Cisco OpenDNS - Reinforce Network Security - Webinar and Whitepaper

Posted on: 08th January 2016

WatchDox Vcentral
Cyber criminals continue to increase the volume and speed at which they attack their targets and it takes as little as one successful attempt for them to gain a foothold in your network.
The unfortunate reality is prevention tactics alone no longer provide sufficient defence against today’s attacks. Join our webinar to find out how to reduce the potential impact of security breaches and become a less appealing target.

What will be covered:

  The benefits of a new layer of security for networks, branch offices and roaming users with no added latency
  How, once deployed, threat enforcement and detection are automated at the internet layer and applied globally
  How to integrate with 3rd party solutions to amplify ROI on existing investments in security technologies

In the following white paper by OpenDNS, learn about a more pragmatic approach to security and what steps can next be taken towards identifying your ideal strategy against cyber-attacks.

Read Now: Prevention Is No Match for Persistence: Rethinking Cyber-Security in the Age of Relentless Attacks

Webinar: Reinforcing your network security

Date:   Thursday 11th February 2016
Time:   11:00 am
Duration:   45 minutes + Q&A


If you would like to find out more information, then please contact us on 0800 288 8681 or email

Vcentral Limited: Quebec House, Quebec Road, Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, RG9 1EY. Company number 5743120.